This is a message of compassion, encouragement and unconditional love from the Over-Soul and Lady Nada.

Hello, dear children of Light!

No matter what is going on, when the dust settles you will see it all for what it is. Changes are coming, changes are here. The Light is here. Although the battle between Light and Dark is still rattling and the storms are coming, be still, trust, move slowly and gracefully.
Allow Spirit in, hear our whispers and nudges as we have always been here with you, we have always been together and today is the day of celebration. We are celebrating your return home while still being on Earth. This is our reunion.
Welcome home, dear child of Light!
Phoenix is real and Spirit has a sense of humor and is sending your way gratitude and unconditional love as it is an honor to be walking you, the Master, home into the Golden Age.
We are one and many at the same time.
You will soon become our members, the members of Galactic Federation.
Peace is being restored as we speak, the transition is successful, the Light has already won. You are crafting the new path is this unprecedented and unique galactic event of Ascension. Gaia sends her blessings and the entire Universe is cheering for you.

All systems are here, fully prepared and ready to go, ready to catch you when you ‘’fall’’. Ready to replace the old crashing and failing before our eyes systems. Do not fear, dear child of Light, as each of you is being guided to the safest and most auspicious outcome that serves your greatest good. Do not rest in doubt, stand firmly yet gently on the ground, embrace your highest good and the purest of the intentions.
Be at peace. Be the peace that you truly are. Embody your wisdom, your sacred knowledge, spread love and compassion.

It is time to start envisioning, and co-creating our New Earth. Start dreaming big and allow miracles to flow in and guide you through the turmoil.

The dragons will be found soon. Rising from the ashes you are.

Each of you is known and loved by the Creator, loved unconditionally and no matter what. Always.
Treat each other with kindness and understanding, as you are all brothers and sisters and so we all are one Family of Light.

See through the dust, have the courage to discern what is true and what is not, have effortless and determined will to maintain a wide open heart. Let the harmony and the beauty that resides inside of you see the light of the day.

Be here and now. Breath.

Set aside all of your worries, let go of everything that no longer resonates with you, surrender and fully trust the way of the heart. The way of the least resistance. Flow through the timelines and spaces.

Walk in piece, re-member who you are, know that you are never alone, Spirit knows your name, Gaia knows your name and the Universe needs you right now! You are where you are needed most and you are safe!
Your light and your presence are so needed! You and your mission or your life purpose are unique, one of a kind. Re-member!

Come and lead the way. Be still in your mind and be the spark that lights the entire room. Wherever you go, darkness recedes. Don’t carry heavy shields with you any longer, have empty hands and an open chest, gentle arms and steady feet. Trust. You are holding the space for the Light and the space for the pure potential.

Go in love, peace and joy.
Radiate blessings.
We are all one.
You are dearly loved.
Dear child of Light!
We are here with you.

Your Over-Soul,
Lady Nada


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