This is a message of compassion, encouragement and unconditional love from the Over-Soul and Lady Nada. Hello, dear children of Light! No matter what is going on, when the dust settles you will see it all for what it is. Changes are coming, changes are here. The Light is here. Although the battle between Light and Dark is still rattling and the storms are coming, be still, trust, move slowly and gracefully. Allow Spirit in, hear our whispers and nudges as we have always been here with you, we have always been together and today is the day of celebration. We are celebrating your return home while still being on Earth. This is our reunion. Welcome home, dear child of Light! Phoenix is real and Spirit has a sense of humor and is sending your way gratitude and unconditional love as it is an honor to be walking you, the Master, home into the Golden Age. We are one and many at the same time. You will soon become our members, the members of Galactic Federation. Peace is being restored as we s...
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Your heart is the future of this planet. Now is where new era begins. Welcome home, my dear child of Light. I love you dearly, I am always here with you!